semtree - Recursive Partitioning for Structural Equation Models
SEM Trees and SEM Forests -- an extension of model-based decision trees and forests to Structural Equation Models (SEM). SEM trees hierarchically split empirical data into homogeneous groups each sharing similar data patterns with respect to a SEM by recursively selecting optimal predictors of these differences. SEM forests are an extension of SEM trees. They are ensembles of SEM trees each built on a random sample of the original data. By aggregating over a forest, we obtain measures of variable importance that are more robust than measures from single trees. A description of the method was published by Brandmaier, von Oertzen, McArdle, & Lindenberger (2013) <doi:10.1037/a0030001> and Arnold, Voelkle, & Brandmaier (2020) <doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.564403>.
Last updated 2 months ago
8.63 score 15 stars 68 scripts 490 downloadsggx - A Natural Language Interface to 'ggplot2'
The 'ggplot2' package is the state-of-the-art toolbox for creating and formatting graphs. However, it is easy to forget how certain formatting commands are named and sometimes users find themselves asking: How do you rotate the x-axis labels again? Or how do you hide the legend...? This package allows users to issue natural language commands related to theme-related styling of plots (colors, font size and such), which then are translated into valid 'ggplot2' commands.
Last updated 2 years ago
6.68 score 151 stars 16 scripts 158 downloadspdc - Permutation Distribution Clustering
Permutation Distribution Clustering is a clustering method for time series. Dissimilarity of time series is formalized as the divergence between their permutation distributions. The permutation distribution was proposed as measure of the complexity of a time series.
Last updated 2 years ago
5.61 score 6 stars 9 dependents 25 scripts 897 downloadsreproducibleRchunks - Automated Reproducibility Checks for R Markdown Documents
Provide reproducible R chunks in R Markdown document that automatically check computational results for reproducibility. This is achieved by creating json files storing metadata about computational results. A comprehensive tutorial to the package is available as preprint by Brandmaier & Peikert (2024, <doi:10.31234/>).
Last updated 2 days ago
5.52 score 25 stars 11 scripts 217 downloads